Gizem Sert
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Boğaziçi University students have housing problems because of rising rental prices and highly priced dormitories within the campus. Students state that KYK grants are not sufficient for their housing and food needs.
Rumeli Hisarı neighborhood which hosts Boğaziçi University students has the most rising rental prices in İstanbul. Rental prices in the neighborhood, which is preferred by students for its closeness to the campus, increased 290% last year and this year, they exceeded the 70% consumer price index (TÜFE) rate announced by Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK). In addition to rising rent expenses, dormitory prices within the campus also increased.
We talked to Yiğit and Eftelya- Boğaziçi University Political Science students about rising rent expenses, insufficient number of houses and rises in dormitory prices.
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